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Brand Name Couches
Up To 75% Off Retail

At CouchDept. we offer a wide selection of high-end refurbished couches at exclusive discount prices up to 75% off original retail. Find the perfect piece to elevate your living space.

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Popular Brands We Offer


Find Brand Name Couches, Top Discounts, & Sustainability All-in-One

Wide Selection of Brands & Styles

Find couches for the tiniest studio apt.'s and for the most open living spaces in various styles and colors that fit you.

Save Yourself Tons of $$$'s

You can see deals up to 75% off of retail value. That means getting unbeatable prices on brands and retailers you love.

Reducing waste In The Furniture Industry

When you shop refurbished your working along side us in creating a circular market around furniture.

Quick & Easy White Glove Delivery

We deliver according to your schedule. You can get your couch as soon as 4 business days or have us hold for longer at your convivence.

Bi-Monthly Releases

Except Something New Every time

We like to keep things new! Our inventory is always different. We release a new collection in small quantities twice a month so there’s something unique every drop. Follow us so you don't miss out!

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